Photoshoot: UCI Baseball Player Francis Larson

UC Irvine Baseball catcher Francis Larson poses for a portrait.

When I got the call for this photo I knew I wanted to shoot it on a backdrop. I don’t really get to shoot much stuff on a backdrop and wanted to get the studio feel for a change. I realized that I didn’t have any backdrop paper and that I would need to go out and get some before the shoot. I decided to buy a blue one and figured it would be good since its one of our school colors.

I made sure that he brought as much of his gear as possible for props, but also had him in a nice shirt and tie to show the scholarly and professional side of his personality. I originally wanted to have him wearing his uniform underneath his dress shirt but when we actually tried it the photos didn’t turn out as I expected. I had a back up plan and we tried a few different things during the rest of the shoot. These were the shots that I ended up submitting to the paper.


Nikon D3, 70-200mm @ 105mm, 125iso, f/8, 1/250, manual


Nikon D3, 70-200mm @ 98mm, 125iso, f/8, 1/250, manual

Thanks to Lee and Panda for helping assist on the shoot, and Ian for doing the interview.